State reforms

Why we need a “citizens’ budgetary consultation”

03 / 02 / 2020

GenerationLibre wants to change the decision process of the public budget in France so that citizens can better understand their tax system.

The “yellow vests” movement reflects the poor level of tax consent in France. A burdensome, complex and opaque tax system leaves French citizens with an impression of helplessness when it comes to the control of public finances.

The increase in public spending is at odds with citizens’ opinions. Our report shows a gap between the public budgets as they have been decided by elected representatives and the ones voters wish.

We provide a new mechanism alllowing every French citizen to put itself in the finance minister’s shoes.

Every year, the taxpayers will be able to learn more about the details of the public budget at the same time as they declare their income to the tax administration. They will also be given the opportunity to give their personal opinions on the budget’s breakdown, including each budget item.

Every year, when the Parliament votes the budget, it will have to do so by discussing beforehand the results of this “citizens’ budgetary consultation”.

The objective is two-fold: give further details to citizens on how their taxes are spent, and policy-makers additional information on the budget preferences of the taxpayers.


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