Why legalize cannabis and how to do it

Third most consumed psychoactive substance in the world after tobacco and alcohol, cannabis is nowadays a genuine social phenomenon. 

Prohibition policies are evermore criticized and contested because they are expensive and ineffective, especially when it comes to public health issues. As a result, more and more countries are choosing the path of cannabis legalization.

In France, where 17 million people are said to have consumed cannabis at least once during their life, the alternative is still dismissed and very rarely discussed. The conclusions of a recent parliamentary report discard any perspective of legalization and call instead for a reinforcement of the already ongoing repression.

Legalization is justified by a utilitarian view of public health. It enables the eradication of trafficking, the control of the products’ quality and the improvement of prevention programs – notably for underage children. Not to mention its economic benefits.

With the help of two experts, a lawyer at the Paris Bar and an addiction specialist psychiatrist, GenerationLibre draws up a critical report on the French judicial system and public health policy around cannabis, and argues in favor of cannabis legalization for recreational use in France.

We counter some false popular beliefs, particularly concerning public health, and study two legalization options : a state monopoly and a market-driven approach for the production and distribution of cannabis.


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